Gates of Hell: Ostfront Wiki

Soviet Multiplayer Doctrines.

Early War[]


Doctrine allround All-Round
DShK M1938 Stand BA-10 BT-7A
2x MG Emplacements 15 DP 20 CP BA-10 25 DP 16 CP BT7-A 30 DP 18 CP
T-28 M1938 Artillery Signaller USSR 122mm M1910-30
T-28 M1938 35 DP 27 CP Artillery Signaller 60 DP 3 CP 122mm M1910 70 DP 38 CP
T-34 M1940 KV-1 M1940 122mm A-19
T-34 M1940 60 DP 41 CP KV-1 M1940 90 DP 36 CP 122mm A-19 90 DP 40 CP


Doctrine defensive Defensive
Gun shield-DP 27 GAZ-AAA (Transport) 45mm M-37 M1937
6x Gun Shields 5 DP 12 CP Motorized Sappers 15 DP 32 CP 45mm M-37 M1937 25 DP 20 CP
37mm 61-K M1939 120mm PM-38 M1938 57mm ZIS-2 M1941
37mm 61-K M1939 30 DP 19 CP 120mm PM-38 40 DP 24 CP 57mm ZIS-2 60 DP 32 CP
85mm 52-K M1939 152mm ML-20 203mm B-4
85mm 52-K 65 DP 32 CP 152mm ML-20 85 DP 44 CP 203mm B-4 90 DP 44 CP


Doctrine irregular Irregular
Yak-1 Ampulomet M1941 76mm BPK-76
Yak-1 50kg Bomb 10 DP 25 CP Ampulomet M1941 10 DP 12 CP 76mm BPK-76 35 DP 24 CP
Recon special ops KhT-26 (Flame) 76mm F-22
Recon Ops 15 DP 18 CP KHT-26 flamethrower 10 DP 16 CP 76mm F-22 50 DP 28 CP
IL-2 107mm M1910-30 SMK
IL-2 250kg Bomb 30 DP 25 CP 107mm M1910/30 75 DP 38 CP SMK 75 DP 34 CP


Doctrine offensive Offensive
BA-20 Command T-30 M1940 T-26 M1938
Ba-20 Command Vehicle 10 DP -5 CP T-30 M1940 20 DP 16 CP T26 M1938 20 DP 18 CP
76mm M1902 T-28E T-35 M1938
76MM M1902 35 DP 28 CP T-28 E 40 DP 27 CP T-35 M1938 45 DP 40 CP
YaG-10 29-K KV-1 M1939 KV-2 M1940
YaG-10 29-K 60 DP 24 CP KV-1 M1939 80 DP 36 CP KV-2 M1940 100 DP 42 CP


Doctrine support Support
Political commissar SU-26 BT-5 M1934
Political officer 10 DP -25 CP Su-26 30 DP 18 CP BT-5 30 DP 18 CP
U-2 GAZ-AAA (Supply) 76mm M1938
U-2 Recon Plane 5 DP 15 CP Key Logistics 30 DP 30 CP 76mm M1938 60 DP 28 CP
T-34 M1940 152mm BR-2 280mm BR-5
2x T-34 M1940 90 DP 58 CP 152mm Br-2 105 DP 44 CP 280mm Br-5 115 DP 50 CP

Mid War[]


Doctrine allround All-Round
BT-2 DA-2 BT-5 M1934 BT-7A
Bt-2 DA-2 10 DP 16 CP BT-5 20 DP 18 CP BT-7A 25 DP 18 CP
76mm M1938 Artillery Signaller USSR 122mm M1910-30
76mm M1938 45 DP 28 CP Artillery Signaller 60 DP 3 CP 122mm M1910 65 DP 38 CP
T-34 M1942 122mm A-19 SU-152
2x T-34 + Inf. 55 DP 84 CP 122mm A-19 90 DP 40 CP SU-152 95 DP 40 CP


Doctrine defensive Defensive
45mm M-42 M1942 GAZ-AAA (Transport) 37mm 61-K M1939
45mm M1942 20 DP 16 CP Motorized Sappers 15 DP 32 CP 37mm 61-K M1939 25 DP 19 CP
120mm PM-38 M1938 ZIS-30 BM-8-48 (ZiS-6)
120mm PM-38 40 DP 24 CP ZIS-30 40 DP 24 CP BM-8-48 (ZiS-6) 70 DP 38 CP
85mm 52-K M1939 152mm ML-20 203mm B-4
85mm 52-K M1939 50 DP 32 CP 152mm ML-20 85 DP 44 CP 203mm B4-M 90 DP 44 CP


Doctrine irregular Irregular
Yak-1 KhT-130 (Flame) Ampulomet M1941
Yak-1 50kg Bomb 10 DP 25 CP KhT-130 10 DP 18 CP Ampulomet M1941 10 DP 12 CP
Recon special ops OT-34 M1943 (Flame) T-34 M1941 (57mm)
Recon Ops 15 DP 18 CP OT-34 45 DP 30 CP T-34 M1941 (57mm) 50 DP 30 CP
IL-2 300mm BM-30 BM-13-16 (ZiS 6)
IL-2 Airstrike 30 DP 25 CP 300mm BM-30 85 DP 38 CP BM-13-16 (ZiS-6) 100 DP 44 CP
SU-100Y 110 DP 46 CP


Doctrine offensive Offensive
BA-20 Command T-60 M1941 T-70 M1942
Ba-20 Command Vehicle 10 DP -5 CP T-60 20 DP 16 CP T-70 20 DP 16 CP
YaG-10 29-K KV-1S M1942 BM-8-24 (T-60)
YaG-10 29-K 40 DP 24 CP KV-1S 50 DP 36 CP BM-8-24 (T-60) 60 DP 38 CP
SU-122 KV-2 M1940 KV-1 M1941
SU-122 75 DP 34 CP KV-2 M1940 85 DP 42 CP 2x KV-1 1941 100 DP 72 CP


Carrier Medium MG (USSR) M3 (Late) (USSR) Valentine Mk.II (USSR)
Carrier Medium MG 10 DP 22 CP M3 Stuart 25 DP 20 CP Valentine Mk.II 25 DP 18 CP
M3 lee (USSR) 57mm ZIS-2 M1941 Churchill Mk.III (USSR)
M3 Lee 35 DP 36 CP Scout Car + ZIS-2 45 DP 34 CP Mk IV Churchill III 55 DP 36 CP
M4A2 (Early) (USSR) 107mm M1910-30 BM-13 Katyusha
2x M4A2 55 DP 64 CP 107mm M1910/30 70 DP 44 CP Studebaker BM-13 100 DP 44 CP


Doctrine support Support
Political commissar SU-26 T-50
Political officer 10 DP -25 CP Su-26 25 DP 18 CP T-50 25 DP 20 CP
U-2 Shielded T-34 KV-8 (Flame)
U-2 Recon Plane 5 DP 15 CP Shielded T-34 40 DP 30 CP KV-8 50 DP 36 CP
KV-1 M1942 152mm BR-2 280mm BR-5
KV-1 M1942 70 DP 36 CP 152mm Br-2 105 DP DP 44 CP 280mm Br-5 115 DP 50 CP

Late War[]


Doctrine allround All-Round
BA-20 Command T-60 M1941 T-70M M1943
Ba-20 Command Vehicle 10 DP -5 CP T-60 20 DP 16 CP T-70M + Inf. 20 DP 25 CP
KV-85 Artillery Signaller USSR BM-8-24 (T-60)
KV-85 50 DP 34 CP Artillery Signaller 60 DP 3 CP BM-8-24 (T-60) 60 DP 38 CP
ISU-152 122mm A-19 IS-2 M1944
ISU-152 70 DP 40 CP 122mm A-19 90 DP 40 CP IS-2 M1944 95 DP 38 CP


Doctrine defensive Defensive
GAZ-AAA (Transport) 37mm 61-K M1939 Icon Missing
Motorised Sappers 15 DP 32 CP 37mm 61-K M1939 25 DP 20 CP 76mm M1943 30 DP 28 CP
120mm PM-38 M1938 85mm 52-K M1939 BM-8-48 (ZiS-6)
120mm PM-38 40 DP 24 CP 85mm 52-K 40 DP 32 CP BM-8-48 (ZiS-6) 70 DP 38 CP
152mm ML-20 203mm B-4 SU-100
152mm ML-20 85 DP 44 CP 203mm B4-M 90 DP 44 CP SU-100 90 DP 38 CP


Doctrine irregular Irregular
Yak-1 DShK M1938 M72 (DP-27)
Yak-1 50kg Bomb 10 DP 25 CP DShK 10 DP 10 CP M72 with Snipers 20 DP 17 CP
Icon Missing OT-34 M1943 (Flame) T-34 M1942 (57mm)
Heavy Scout-Recon squad 20 DP 24 CP OT-34 35 DP 28 CP T-34 M1942 (57mm) 35 DP 28 CP
IL-2 ISU-122S Icon Missing
IL-2 Airstrike 30 DP 25 CP ISU-122S 90 DP 40 CP 300mm BM-31 95 DP 44 CP
BM-13-16 (ZiS 6)
BM-13-16 (ZiS-6) 100 DP 44 CP


Icon Missing Icon Missing Icon Missing
Marines' M3A1E1 Scout Car 10 DP 32 CP M3A1 Stuart 20 DP 20 CP Mk III Valentine VII 20 DP 18 CP
Icon Missing Icon Missing 107mm M1910-30
M4A2 Sherman 35 DP 34 CP Churchill III + Valentine IX 55 DP 54 CP 107mm M1910/30 70 DP 48 CP
Icon Missing Icon Missing Icon Missing
2x M4A2(76)W 60 DP 68 CP 100mm BS-3, M3A1E1 Scout Car 70 DP 32 CP Studebaker BM-13 120 DP 60 CP


Doctrine support Support
Political commissar BT-7A T-50
Political officer 10 DP -25 CP BT7-A 20 DP 18 CP T-50 20 DP 20 CP
U-2 SU-85M T-34-85 M1944
U-2 Recon Plane 5 DP 15 CP Su-85M 50 DP 32 CP 2x T-34/85 80 DP 68 CP
BM-13 Katyusha IS-2 M1945 280mm BR-5
BM-13 Katyusha 100 DP 44 CP IS-2 M1945 100 DP 38 CP 280mm Br-5 115 DP 50 CP
